
2018-12-22 16:41已围观

文/《财经》记者 杨中旭  发自三亚

12月7日,海南省委常委、三亚市委书记童道驰在三亚保利瑰丽酒店会见了出席第七届三亚 财经国际论坛的法国前总理德维尔潘,并在论坛欢迎晚宴发表了英文演讲。上个月刚刚履新的童道驰表示,海南省委省政府要求,三亚要在海南自由贸易试验区和中国特色自由贸易港建设中打造标杆。

三亚 财经国际论坛自2012年开始举办,迄今已成功举办七届。包括美国前总统卡特、德国前总统科勒、法国前总理拉法兰、德维尔潘、美国前副总统戈尔等在内的多位超重量级人物,曾莅临三亚 财经国际论坛并发表主旨演说。期间,三亚亦从全域旅游城市,逐步成长为中央政府关于自贸区和自由港国策的最重要棋子。


12月18日,在庆祝改革开放四十周年大会上的重要讲话中,习近平更把设立自由贸易试验区、谋划中国特色自由贸易港,与兴办深圳等经济特区、沿海沿边沿江沿线和内陆中心城市对外开放、加入世界贸易组织、共建 一带一路 、成功举办首届中国国际进口博览会相提并论。



首先,三亚是一个多民族聚居地,游客到了这里可以感受不同的民族风貌,还可实现 吃住行一条龙,游购娱不用愁 。经过30多年的努力,三亚经济社会得到长足发展,初步预计,2018年全市地区生产总值将同比增长7%。这个增长速度也许不是最快的,但三亚追求的不是速度,而是高质量的发展。三亚竭诚欢迎海内外的企业家来三亚投资兴业,但三亚绝不以牺牲生态环境为发展代价,而以椰风海韵、碧海蓝天为荣。各大国际品牌酒店相继落户,三亚是最美丽的滨海旅游城市,仅今年上半年,已经接待了1300多万国内外游客。


第三,三亚区位独特,是 一带一路 建设重要节点城市,是海上丝绸之路合作的重要战略支点城市。海上丝绸之路,是古代中国与外国进行贸易和文化交往的海上通道,在古代甚至可达欧洲的法国和意大利等国,途经100多个国家和地区,推动了沿线各国的共同发展。时至今日,三亚已经成为具有一定国际知名度的旅游度假目的地和举办文体、会展及休闲外交活动的重要舞台,必将为海南自由贸易试验区和中国特色自由贸易港建设作出新的贡献。

童道驰表示,三亚既是一座年轻的城市,同时也是一座古老的城市。言之年轻,是因为她的快速发展也就发生在近十年间。谓其古老,是因为她的历史可追溯到三千年前。三亚古称崖州,历史悠久,源远流长。虽被称为 天涯海角 ,但她与中原地区在政治、经济、文化等各个方面的联系从未中断,自古以来就是多元文化的聚集地。近年来,三亚取得了飞速的发展。这一切要归功于中国的改革开放。不久前,习近平主席曾在葡萄牙媒体发表署名文章上,引用了葡萄牙 诗魂 卡蒙斯世代传颂的名句 陆止于此,海始于斯 来描绘优越的地理位置。童道驰称,与葡萄牙的罗卡角类似,三亚也有 天涯海角 。

这位新任三亚市委书记表示,在新政策的指引下,海南、三亚正迈上自由贸易区(港)建设的新台阶,和新加坡、香港和迪拜相比,海南和三亚将会走得更远, 因为我们有着更巨大的潜力、更优质的环境,更稳定的经济 。他解释说,海南全岛面积有3.5万平方公里,是迪拜的8倍,香港的35倍,新加坡的40倍,我们有信心发展得更好。不仅如此,三亚还有多元文化,部分意大利、法国等国人民聚居于此,三亚也成为了各国文化的聚集地,比如我们有法国的美食、意大利的音乐等。未来三亚还计划在凤凰岛建设歌剧院。凤凰岛已经举办了很多大型赛事,比如世界小姐总决赛,赛事相关活动已在三亚举办了数月。凤凰岛国际邮轮港还有丰富的邮轮旅游产品,邮轮航线可达香港、新加坡、马兰西亚等地。此外,三亚还开通了直达多国的国际航空航线。






First of all, I want to express my warmest welcometo your excellency for attending the Caijing Forum. I used to work in financeindustry and have known Mr. Wang Boming for many years, I personally is a loyalreader of Caijing magazine. France is the first western country establishingdiplomatic relationship with China. Our countries kept friendly relationship eversince then. I believe you made a lot of efforts for that. For which I reallyappreciate.


法国作家让 马里 居斯塔夫 勒克莱齐奥、托迈酷客中国区入境和会展事务总经理克里斯 凡 格特姆,托迈酷客已经投入到海南、三亚自贸区(港)建设之中,非常感谢你们给予的支持和帮助。美国知名演员、音乐家、慈善家马拉 梅尔普斯、德意志银行(英国)有限公司首席执行官、德意志银行英国财富管理部门主管迈克 莫利,听闻您一直在协助英国皇室管理资产。美中关系全国委员会会长斯蒂夫 欧伦斯,我们是老朋友了。纽约商品期货交易所理事会主席威廉 普尔普拉,我之前在美国工作过,希望还能再回去看看。

Also we are very glad to haveother guests with us. They are Jean-Marie Gustave Le CL ZIO,winner of NobelPrize for Literature, Kris Van GOETHEM, the General Manager of China RegionEntry and Exhibition Business of Thomas Cook, Thomas Cook has participated theconstruction of Hainan free trade zone and free trade harbor, thank you for whatyou have done. And we have MichaelMORLEY, CEO of Deutsche Bank(UK), Director of British Wealth Managementdepartment of Deutsche Bank, I heard you managed the wealth of British Royalfamily. And Steve ORLINS , President of the NCUSCR, we are old friends.And William PURPURA , President of COMEX Committee, I used to work in US and Ihope I can be back.



Thanks again for your coming. Now I d like to briefHainan and Sanya. Guided by the new policy, Hainan and Sanya are in the new phaseof constructing free trade zone (harbor). Compared with Singapore, Hong Kong andDubai, we will go further and better. We are very confident because we have greaterpotential, better environment and steady economy. The land area of Hainan is35000 sq km,35 times of Hong Kong, 40 timesof Singapore, and 8 times of Dubai. Also we have diverse cultures, and manyFrench and Italians gathered here. This hotel we stay is run by an Italian. Inoticed that we have a lot of French in the delegation, actually the Frenchcuisine, culture and music are welcomed by Chinese people. In Sanya we haveFrench cuisine and Italian music. We also plan to build an opera house inPhoenix Island. Have you even been to Phoenix Island? It has hosted many evenslike Miss World Final which has lasted for months and will meet finalcompetition tomorrow. Phoenix Island also has plenty of cruise voyage productswhich can reach Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. And we also has a cruise. Ithink the Italian and French will love it. Besides,we have many internationaldirect air lines.


We want to host more guests like you and respectyour privacy and at the same time you will receive our 5 star service and alsoprotect our environment. We use clear energy. I am so honored to have you hereand I hope you can share your views on the construction of Hainan pilot freetrade zone and free trade port with Chinese Characteristic. Both Europe and USare our import tourism markets, so we treasured the relationship between us. Ibelieved the people of different areas, religion and culture should engage more.So I hope you can experience different Chinese cultures. China has more than 30provinces and the area of each one is similar to a European country. Eachprovince has its own culture. Hope you can enjoy the sun, the beach here, andsee what we have done in the innovation sector particularly in agriculture andour commitment to build a world class coastal resort. 


Sanya is not only a place for vacation but also agood spot for investment. We are honored that Sanya Forum can be held here andhope everyone can share opinions during the forum. Also I hope you can enjoy yourstay in Sanya.



Just now we heard Mr Tong s introduction about theplan of Hainan and Sanya, including tourism, culture and innovation. Hopefullywe can have lessons from Europe, that is when you have treasure, nice view andbeautiful coast line, it is very important to protect them. Unfortunately wehave learned that when we do not respect them, it is impossible to have themback. To protect them is very important for the China and the World.


The world is now changeable. We see all the tensionand the depression around the world, and the problem between China and US. WangBoming has special talent to choose the special subject that we can think aboutit. I think it is important to use our minds and try to find solution.



I am glad we have the experts from politic andbusiness, also the representative from the art and literature. I believe theirvision will give us more solution, as they understand what s going on in theworld and the future of the world, they think more about the world also. Thankyou again.

以下是海南省委常委、三亚市委书记童道驰在第七届三亚 财经国际论坛欢迎晚宴上的致辞:


Honorable guests, ladies and gentlemen,


Good evening. It gives me great honor toaddress here and to host the welcome dinner, and more importantly, to celebratethe grand opening of the 7th Sanya Forum. Let me begin by extending oursincerest welcome and warmest gratitude for all the distinguished guests fromall over the world.


Just now right before the dinner, I met withhis excellency Dominique de VILLEPIN, Former French Prime Minister,and we shared experiences and exchanged views, learning and benefiting a lot.Now, please allow me to brief Sanya.

三亚既是一座年轻的城市,同时也是一座古老的城市。言之年轻,是因为她的快速发展也就发生在近十年间。谓其古老,是因为她的历史可追溯到三千年前。三亚古称崖州,历史悠久,源远流长。虽被称为 天涯海角 ,但她与中原地区在政治、经济、文化等各个方面的联系从未中断,自古以来就是多元文化的聚集地。近年来,三亚取得了飞速的发展。这一切要归功于中国的改革开放。就在不久前,习近平主席刚刚结束了欧洲-拉美之行,访问了西班牙、阿根廷、葡萄牙等国。在葡萄牙媒体发表的署名文章上,习主席引用了葡萄牙 诗魂 卡蒙斯世代传颂的名句 陆止于此,海始于斯。 来描绘优越的地理位置。与葡萄牙的罗卡角类似,我们三亚也有 天涯海角 。

Sanya is both an old and young city. Why I say it is young, that isbecause she really gained faster development within the recent decade. When itcomes to being old, that is because Sanya has a time-honored history datingback to three thousand years ago. Back then, Sanya was named Yazhou . Locatedat the end of the earth, Sanya stood as an important connection point with themainland in terms of politics, economy and culture. It has been a collectionfor diverse culture since ancient times. In recent years, Sanya has maderemarkable achievements, which, in particular, benefited greatly from thereform and opening-up policy. Not long ago, Chinese President Xi Jinpingconcluded his European and Latin-American trip covering Spain, Argentina andPortugal. When visiting Portugal, he quoted from Luis de Camoes, the greatestpoet of Portugal, in the signed paper for the press, Here, where the land endsand the sea begins to vividly depict the superb location of Cape Roca. As itis the same case with Sanya s favorable sitting as the end of the earth .


We are faced with a world featuring economicintegration, for which we warmly welcome trade globalization, but tradeprotectionism. China will stay committed to expanding opening-up to a higherand deeper level. What s worth mentioning is that, on April 13 thisyear, on the 30th anniversary conference marking the establishment ofthe special economic zone of Hainan Province, Chinese President Xi Jinpingsolemnly announced that the Communist Party of China CentralCommittee has decided to support Hainan in developing the whole islandinto a pilot free trade zone, and gradually exploring and steadilypromoting the establishment of a free trade port with Chinesecharacteristics. President Xi s speech demonstrated China s commitment topursue further opening-up, more importantly, endowing Hainan as a pilot zonefor deepening reform and opening-up, which brings Hainan unprecedentedopportunities for development. To put the demand from the CPC Hainan ProvincialCommittee and Provincial Government into action, Sanya is set to be a benchmarkin the course of promoting a pilot free trade zone and exploring a free tradeport.


Why the central government choose Hainan and Sanya? In my opinion, thereasons could be boiled down to the following:

一、三亚是一个多民族聚居地,游客到了这里可以感受不同的民族风貌,还可实现 吃住行一条龙,游购娱不用愁 。经过30多年的努力,三亚经济社会得到长足发展,初步预计,2018年全市地区生产总值将同比增长7%。这个增长速度也许不是最快的,但我们追求的不是速度,我们更注重的是高质量的发展。我们竭诚欢迎海内外的企业家来三亚投资兴业,但我们绝不以牺牲生态环境为发展代价,三亚以椰风海韵、碧海蓝天为荣。各大国际品牌酒店相继落户三亚,我们可以很自豪地说三亚是最美丽的滨海旅游城市。仅今年上半年,我们已经接待了1300多万国内外游客。

Firstly, Sanya is home to many ethnicgroups. When visitors come here, they can not only experience minority customs,but also feel free to dining, sightseeing, shopping and entertaining. Over 30years endeavor paid off. According to preliminary estimate, Sanya s GDP thisyear will see a 7% growth, a number which may not be the highest. However, whatwe highlight is the high-quality economy. We do warmly welcome investors fromall over the world. But one thing is important, that is, we will neversacrifice environment for development. That s our bottom line. Boasting ofbright sunshine, fresh air and tropical charm, Sanya has attracted manyinternational brand hotels. To cite the number of the first half of this year,we have received 13 million tourists. For which, we are proud to say that Sanyais the most beautiful coastal resort.


Secondly, Sanya is an innovation city.Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward the notion of Chinese Dream . I thinkSanya is the very place where you can fulfill your dreams and aspirations.Sanya is a healthy city featuring mild and humid climate as well as qualityair. If you want to keep fit, do stay here longer. For those sufferinglong-time disease in particular, Sanya is your perfect option. Moreover, thecentral government has introduced a batch of policies to promote innovationindustry. In terms of innovation, many of you may doubt about the IPRprotection issue. Please do not worry about that. Over the past 40 years, wehave done a lot regarding IPR protection. Maybe some of you will deny or turn ablind eye to, however, what speaks louder is the notable progress we have madein the past 40 years. Thus, we warmly welcome you to Hainan and Sanya with yourcreative ideas, investments and high-tech industry. We will surely create abetter business environment for you.

三、三亚区位独特,是 一带一路 建设重要节点城市,是海上丝绸之路合作的重要战略支点城市。海上丝绸之路,是古代中国与外国交通贸易和文化交往的海上通道,在古代甚至可达欧洲的法国和意大利等国,途经100多个国家和地区,推动了沿线各国的共同发展。时至今日,三亚已经成为具有一定国际知名度的旅游度假目的地和举办文体、会展及休闲外交活动的一个重要舞台,必将为海南自由贸易试验区和中国特色自由贸易港建设作出新的贡献。

Thirdly, Sanya is blessed with a uniquegeopolitical location, making it an important city of the Belt and Road initiative construction as well as a critical juncture of the maritime silkroad. Dating back to thousands of years ago, the maritime silk road played asignificant role in facilitating the trade and cultural engagements amongdifferent countries, reaching European countries like France and Italyfurthermost. Involving more than 100 countries and regions, it promoted thecommon development of countries alongside. Up to this day, Sanya has emerged asa critical stage in the world, a famous destination for vacation, cultural andsports events, conferences, exhibitions and leisure diplomacy, making its newcontributions to the constructions of a pilot free trade zone and a free tradeport.


To achieve this goal, your vision andsuggestions, as well as your valuable experiences are most needed and welcome. Isincerely hope that all the distinguished guests could put forward suggestionson the construction of the pilot free trade zone and free trade port withChinese characteristics while attending the forum. Finally, please do enjoyyour stay here. A peaceful, beautiful and delicious Sanya warmly welcomesfriends from all over the world.

【作者:杨中旭 】



