中美贸易战如果出现最糟糕的情况,全球经济增长会下降17%。但迄今为止中国的对策比较明智,即建立长期替代方案并推动内部改革,显然是对美国单边主义行为最好的回应方式。 法国前总理多米尼克 德维尔潘在由《财经》杂志、、《财经》智库主办的 2018三亚财经国际论坛 上如是表示。
法国前总理多米尼克 德维尔潘
另外,德维尔潘还表示, 我们需要新的金融和货币协调结构。我认为以三种主要货币 美元、人民币和欧元搭建全新强大的货币系统后,可通过促进合作协助恢复信任并支持全球增长。但本次G20会议期间错过了机会。
I .中国仅花了四十年就开创了有自身特色的现代化模式
1978年到2018年,中国的国内生产总值(原文为production,查询统计局数字后发现略有差异,但也可能是援引数字统计口径不同导致 译者注)从1500亿美元增加到超过13万亿美元;
II. 当前的中国要在国内改革和进一步国际化的基础上,进入新的发展阶段
-对中国来说,身处全球化最前沿既有必要也是责任。 一带一路 倡议便是中国向世界保持开放,并传播共同发展愿景战略的典型例子:
我也相信 一带一路 倡议可推动中国进入经济全球化的新时代:
III. 我深信,中国可以推动共同倡议,协助恢复信任和稳定
其次,我们需要新的金融和货币协调结构。在此我想重申,有必要建立联合商讨机制解决货币波动问题,尤其是阿根廷之类新兴国家因过于依赖美国利率政策导致货币动荡之后。我认为以三种主要货币 美元、人民币和欧元搭建全新强大的货币系统后,可通过促进合作协助恢复信任并支持全球增长。但本次G20会议期间错过了机会。
我也认为应在 一带一路 倡议方面加强合作。可以在北京和布鲁塞尔设立常任秘书长,负责缓解并解决东欧和中欧,特别是在16 + 1(中东欧16国加中国)框架下有时出现的紧张局面;
Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear friends,
It s always a great pleasure to be here, in SANYA, to address economic and financial issues among respected scholars and participants. Let me first extend my thanks to all the attendees and those who took the time to set up this conference, especially my friend WANG Boming and his excellent team.
In a few weeks, we will come to the end of the year 2018 that was a year of great significance for China with the fortieth anniversary of the 1978 reforms.
Four decades later, China and the world have gone through profound and massive changes: the APEC Summit in last November and the G20 meeting that just happened in Argentina have shown a turning point: global cooperation and international prosperity have been put under historic pressures.
In this context, it s good to consider the past to prepare the future and outline collective solutions for the future generation. As a major stakeholder of globalization, China is now expected to play a growing role in promoting dialogue and openness.
I / In only forty years, China has created its own model of modernization
-First of all, Chinese economy has been totally transformed under the influence of opening-up
All around us, here in SANYA, buildings, companies and employment are the concrete proof of how growth impacted everyday lives of Chinese people. There are some striking figures highlighting the rise of China s economic power over the last decades:
oSince the 1970 s the country achieved an average growth of 10 % a year while multiplying the GDP by around 80;
oFrom 1978 to 2018, China s production increased from 150 billion dollars to more than 13 trillion dollars;
oIt means that China s weight in global economy shifted from only 2 % to more than 15 % today;
In many areas of economy, China now positions itself as a global driver of growth:
oIt s true in trade: Since 2010, it has become the largest exporter worldwide with around 2.3 trillion dollars of goods today;
oIt s true in investment: since 2015, for the first time of its history, China registered an investment surplus with more than 150 billion dollars overseas;
oIt s also true in innovation and Tech companies that now represent a major force of China s economy: ALIBABA, TENCENT or BAIDU have now a cumulated market capitalization over 800 billion dollars.
-Second, Chinese society has been revolutionized by development and urbanization:
The transformation of Chinese economy has been correlated with a continuous improvement of Chinese well-being, including employment, education and public services:
oPoverty has been reduced more than ever before: in four decades, around 700 billion people have gradually freed from poverty;
oUrbanization has massively transformed the face of China: since 2010, more than 50 % of China population is concentrated in towns. Today, Chinese authorities are keen on creating new kinds of cities focused on better public services, low energy consumption and nature protection. It s the case in the XIONGAN project in the Hebei province;
oAccess to internet and new technology has also contributed to spread knowledge and development: in 2014, more than a half of the Chinese population got access to internet, which reaches almost 800 million people today;
At the same time, China s development has created new major challenges that need to be addressed:
oFirst, health and nature have been put under growing pressures by China s industry and urban modernization. Today, China accounts for 30 % of carbon emission, even if progress has been exceptionally fast with a 46 % reduction of greenhouse gases per GDP units since 2005;
oSecond, financial stability has been increasingly challenged by the new Chinese economy: China s total debt now reaches around 30 trillion dollars and around 250% of China s GDP: as put forward by the authorities, the priority is to reduce private debt, especially in SOE s with low productivity;
oThird, slowdown is probably one of the main issues for the ten coming years: fostering domestic demand and high-quality economy is now decisive to avoid a hard landing of growth.
II. Today, China needs to enter a new phase of development based on domestic reforms and further internationalization
-First of all, it s a necessity: the new global order based on US isolation and commercial tensions requires China to adapt on the Chinese way
The last months have opened a new time of economic challenges for China: President TRUMP s decision to increase tax on 200 billion dollars of Chinese imports as well as the threat of extending this policy on further 267 billion dollars has triggered a negative spiral for trade. Such an escalation could evolve into a long crisis for international growth:
oFirst, because both Chinese and US economies will be strongly affected by a series of tax and retaliation measures;
oSecond, because global prosperity will suffer from collateral effects in a time of growing interdependencies: in the worst scenario related to the US-China trade war, global growth would decrease by 17?%.
But China chose a smart policy so far: building up a long term alternative and pushing for internal reforms is obviously the best response to US unilateralism:
oFirst, China s authorities have shown their willingness to promote and defend free trade: from the DAVOS speech of President XI, in January 2017, to China s commitment in favour of free trade some days ago, during the G20 meeting, China is playing by the rules of openness and cooperation;
oMeanwhile, exemplary reforms are being implemented to further develop Chinese opening-up and improve financial stability:
It s the case in some dynamic sectors like finance and insurance where overseas institutions are gaining broader access: The German company ALLIANZ has just had permission to create the first ever wholly owned insurance company ruled by a foreign investor in China. The French insurer AXA could seize the same opportunity shortly;
At the same time, Chinese regulators are committed to improving financial stability by fighting against shadow banking and improving prudential standards. A step forward has been recently made by the creation of super-regulator under the leadership of Governor YI Gang;
-But showing the way of reforms and cooperation is also a new responsibility for China. The last decade has witnessed its growing commitment and recognition as a global leader
China successively entered the main economic institutions as a major pillar of global prosperity
oIt s true in the WTO where Chinese integration in 2001 has been a great progress for global trade;
oIt s also true in the IMF where the integration of the renminbi as an international currency in 2015 has been a new step forward.
But China also took a rising responsibility in building a more peaceful and stable globalization:
oWe can see that within the United Nations where China became the first provider of peace-keeping forces among the Permanent Members of the Security Council: today, there are nearly 3,000 Chinese soldiers involved in peace building operations, especially on the African continent;
oWe can also see that in the fight against pollution as shown by China s commitment in the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015:
Protecting nature and developing new energy is a key objective mentioned in the 13th five-year plan;
This principle has been turned into reality as China became the largest global investor in renewable energy with around 130 billion dollars, especially in the solar industry.
-Being at the forefront of globalization is both a necessity and responsibility for China. The Belt and Road initiative is an emblematic example of China s strategy to open to the world and spread a shared vision of mutual development:
I really do believe that this project outlined five years ago by President XI Jinping could have a massive impact on the future of cross-border stability. The New Silk Road is both a comprehensive and international initiative:
oFirst, it s a?political?game-changer keen to develop remote areas like Central Asia and Africa while stimulating dialogue between States and people. The creation of the AIIB in 2015 is a strong sign of commitment to multilateral cooperation;
oSecond, it s an economic game-changer betting on sustainable sectors such as energy, transport, digital industry and infrastructures. Only in Asia, the need of investment to create infrastructure would be around 26 trillion dollars by 2030;
oThird, it s a cultural game-changer promoting mutual understanding and diversity, for example with a better students mobility from China to Europe;
I am also convinced the Belt and Road initiative is enabling China to enter a new age of economic globalization:
oFirst, China s take-off has occurred in the age of trade and industry: from 1978 to 2013, China has become the largest trading nation thanks to massive exports of manufactured products;
oThe second milestone of China s rise has been the age of investment: in 2015, for the first time in history, Chinese investment abroad has been higher than the incoming flow of capitals with a volume of 150 billion dollars overseas;
oToday, China is entering the age of partnerships: the ability to build up connections between States, people and companies will be key to achieve the New Silk Road on a cooperative basis.
III. My conviction is that China can give impulse to common initiative helping restore trust and stability
-Today, the we re entering a time of historic escalation where China can act as a power of peace, mediation and solutions:
First, China is expected to propose peace-building initiatives in Asia. On military and security issues, misunderstandings are rising and lead more and more to strategic stand-offs:
oThese tensions could escalate into open conflict if there is not a mechanism of global security cooperation comparable to what had to be invented during the Cold War especially in the 1970 s with the HELSINKI Conference focusing on collective and mutual security. In North Korea, for example, where the nuclear risk is rising, I do believe China could initiate a conference with all the stakeholders based on its powerful influence in the region;
oBut this cannot be done alone by China as it could not be done alone by the USA. I strongly believe a lasting solution needs to integrate the European Union and Russia as a global partner of security and stability. Creating a G4 with PARIS, BERLIN, MOSCOW and BEIJING would probably help handle many local crises like the one in Ukraine today;
On trade, currency and economy, we need to find compromises and long-term solutions, but this relies on an efficient dialogue. I see at least two priorities:
oFirst, we need to reform the WTO that has been unable to find solutions and alternatives to trade war in recent times. In some days, such a reform will be discussed in GENEVA: I really hope China and Europe will actively defend multilateralism while proposing changes to improve transparency and supervision;
oSecond, we need a new structure of financial and monetary coordination. Here again, it has become necessary to set up a mechanism of joint discussion addressing monetary fluctuations as we witness in emerging countries like Argentina depending on the US rate policy. I do believe a strong system gathering the three major currencies - dollar, renminbi and euro could help restore trust and support global growth by promoting cooperation. We lost the opportunity during the last G20 meeting.
However, I really wish the next Summit could examine the creation of a monetary G3.
-But we also need new specific structures at regional and continental levels. Diplomacy is all about concrete instruments to enable negotiations and collective actions:
Europe and China should reinforce their relations on a concrete basis and joint mechanisms treating key issues like reciprocity, transparency and access to public markets:
oAt the beginning of the year, the creation of a French-Chinese corporate Council gathering around thirty firms from both countries is a concrete step forward in this way;
oI am convinced we should create the same model at the European level with a public office for investment jointly ruled by the Commission and the relevant political body in the Chinese government;
oI am also convinced we need to develop cooperation in implementing the Belt and Road initiative: a permanent secretary could be created between BEIJING and BRUSSELS to ease and solve tensions as is sometimes the case in Eastern and Central Europe, especially in the frame of the 16 + 1 partnership;
oLast but not least, synergies must be significantly developed in pooling and using financial resources: the creation of a cross-border fund, gathering capitals from the AIIB, the Silk Road Fund and the European Bank of Investment would be a powerful lever for collective projects;
In global institutions as well, I do believe China and Europe can show their common support of multilateralism. Today, the key is to denounce selfishness and isolationism as the conditions of a zero-sum game:
oIn global crises like Syria and Yemen, big countries have a responsibility in the UN powerlessness. I am convinced China and Europe can take the lead of reforms within the United Nations, for example by extending the number of Permanent Members and by limiting the veto use. It s all about improving both the fairness and the effectiveness of the institutions;
oI also believe China could become a provider of solutions by taking joint initiatives of resolution in the Security Council with France and Great Britain on specific crisis, for example in Africa where China s presence is a sign of credibility and confidence. This would be a major signal to the world.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Who would have guessed, forty years ago, that China would experience such a rapid and massive expansion? Who would have thought, two years ago, that the USA would destroy so many achievements of global cooperation? Who would have even supposed three years ago that Europe would be weakened by the British decision of leaving the EU?
We are living in a world of division and unpredictability.
My conviction is that we need responsible powers keen on building stability, clarity and sustainability in global relations. Europe and China share this common objective. The next step must be to give concrete achievements of this.
Thank you.
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